Server adventures

...or a rant on the difficulty of making a personal server

If you want to make a server that can be accessed anywhere, then you need to be prepared for quite a journey. Making an accessible server is not very easy, although not impossible.

The server itself

Getting just a server is not difficult, you just need a machine that can run all day long. Raspberry Pi is a good option, it's relatively cheap and doesn't consume much electricity, though you'll probebly need to buy additional cooling for newer models.
You can already use it as a server in a local network, but it's not very interesting if it can't be connected from the Internet.
...or you can rent a server, that's an easy option

NAT so easy

Some might warn you about having to open/forward ports on your modem. This might be needed at home, but in some cases it might not work. There can be three cases:

Claim the domain

If you have a dynamic IP, you should get a dynamic DNS to have access to your server in case IP changes. You can also use it as a free domain for a static IP, but if you want a fancy name for it, some money must be spent.
.ru and .xyz seem pretty cheap 🤔

[lock emoji 🔐]

...and it would be good idea to additionally encrypt connection to that server. Certificates are free, there's no much reason not to get one


And now your server's set. Host a website/cloud/game, make an app, use an app... whatever you wanted a server for.

PS. Still having a fever of accomplishment
eeeeeeeee i finally got online